Task: Imitate a Scene

They say imitation is a form of flattery, so this week we are going to work on the imitation of Andrew Niccol’s Cinematographic techniques in Gattaca

Create your own scene:

  1. Identify a scene in the original film, Gattaca, that both strongly represents the distinctive cinematography that Andrew Niccol employed in the film and also communicates a strong idea from the text. Upload the time stamps for the beginning and end of this scene to your blog.
  2. On your blog, closely analyse this scene, making connections between the techniques of film making and the meaning they convey:
    • Camera angles, shots and movements
    • Use of colour filters, lighting and specialised visual processes
    • Symbols present
    • The setting – the buildings, places, and atmosphere in the scene
    • Costume and interior design
    • Camera editing choices – how long shots are held, what transitions are used
    • Representation of time – is the scene in real-time?
  3. Devise your own scene, that embodies the same idea, and uses the same techniques as your chosen one – except set it in the present/near future in Wanaka/Mt Aspiring College

Once the films are made: Select one and perform the following analysis:

Posted by Christopher Waugh

“Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.” (Katherine Mansfield)

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