Category: 2.1 Novel – Fahrenheit 451

AS91098: Analyse specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s), supported by evidence. 3 Credits. External

2.1 Novel Study – Revision Activities

A series of focusing activities that concentrate on the learning and understanding of key concepts and developing key skills in preparation for the end of year examinations.

2.1 Novel Study – Practise Paper

Completing practise papers is a core element of preparation for final exams. Write them in one session, under timed conditions (90 minutes) and by hand. If you scan or photograph your paper and upload it to your blog I will be notified and give feedback.

Fahrenheit 451: A Future Dystopia

We explore the facets of Fahrenheit 451 that define it as a future dystopia

Fahrenheit 451 – Keeping Track of Content

Keeping track of the events in the novel Fahrenheit 451 via a set of curated quotations.